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ah well what's nice day
i ruffled

how people can tell funny
i went and anywhere if you have any questions or interest this morning or other comments and or no
whether reported you know how it's going quiet


when he has the question was whether it's the situation said it's important for it anything to be non dualistic
oh gosh

hi this is and in a big question or question or
i know all of us in some way notches instance and
another way in a wicked describe it is and we understand you know that everyone in buddhism we understand everyone has buddha nature
a buddha nature is not something that is
the this is certain kind of designation for us to indicate
your language is a difficult you know i said to say something
but isn't as you say thing being exists in time and space ah has a beginning in and very nature is not something that begins her and and and doesn't exist in time and space
so we're always trying to you know am i understand their have some sense that besides being a person and now with form and shape and father were also someone who is beyond space and time
and we get in a little taste of this from time to time way
know we disappear into our activity your
we forget to be judging i'm doing right now better or worse for the other our i'm going in granite when when we're not busy judging in
rip disappeared into our activity in that way we we have this kind of so
we're not bound by space and time and use your way
i were not limited by
having a physical body with aches and pains
and we're and also were some money know
as a physical body in a something
ah when we exist just in the one world of duality and then in a we keep trying to improve
and will we will be caught in often an endless kind of improvement to
and of course in the end we're going to die so
oh well
and then much for improving and well as the goal of life
and i do have some sense of non-duality or
you know that we also have been in that bound in israel not limited by our body and at any moment in time
given it
appearance of light or dark at in july or so
ah isn't semi also unbounded are not go
and this is i said is when we disappear into the moment and we stop judging
how things are we have attained to do
and it's not exactly the idea that we just eliminate the world of duality but that we can exist in world
the world of duality in the world is nine dilapidated
how so we understand that in order to have accurate kind of discrimination are accurate kind of
sense of what is really good or bad or right or wrong earth
know how things are we have to
catch things with their awareness you know it better when we don't have some preconceived idea of what's right and wrong and bag
so non duality is also the basis for accurate i knew
judgment when we are going to be judging
otherwise and we down the passage on judgments when we observe the world and and
buddhism is also in are often described as to see things as they are situation changed it and set to see things as it is
why not sure his english was bad or if he was
making is then point
it makes about as my friends you know to see things as it is
there you have some sense into reality and non duality fab
but we can't see things as it is in nursery and oh wow we're busy with judge for themselves and holding onto our dualistic world and dualistic reality said to observe things clearly are accurately we need to let go of that in have a basis of nine doral
but anyway this is
more or less a lifetime study so i hope that i haven't answered your question and that you can
we continue to and you know look into it
or yourself
ne and were using to bring up something
way that we've had to
each other
visit you tried to when you're resident here you try to recognize as a resident
and then step back to them when you are when you're and passing children
so some dear i've been stopping in bowing in a as though you were a thing
where you can i
come over here and down front of the aldrin and know

we did that you know when we have meals here in the new taking her away and you know we have this instead of eating bowls with a spoon chapstick and on this that we have the table grass in the lab napkin in the drying clothes and we've gotta hold your kit you know so if while you're eating you know huge
throughout your chopsticks on the floor
when the whole place stops
and one of the service comes and picks up your chopsticks and takes them over and thousand front of the author
and brings them back to you
this is to honor your mistake rather than just skipping over it
it it very tempting you know to right
in the city can reach a ring
i grabbed and faster than before anybody can pay
baker's symptoms they've kind of bounced away from here
but anyway there's something to be said for for doing these things flagrantly and and
so you missed the bow
better go on
he also was it more to that today in iraq the united

us entries and and and flowers in
earth and sky
water stream rugs
a cat
blue jays better
but practically speaking we want you know
the be able to quite in a manifest that
you know there's some beans embarrassing they have a thousand and arms they can do a lot of bowing and lot of different reactions to deny the different features and thing
hey we're kind of limited you know it so at some point if you practice down a bit you know i mean the idea would be you have this period of bowing with that necessarily bowing to everything
i've done that practice had to take care
i am but email and also when we when we bad to each other and for it's it's something right in the booty and neighbors to the brilliant new are the good in nature or enlightenment in me can right in your and divided
know ah
non do dualistic awareness is barrington under the separated and fell
of course we want to be especially certain you know especially sure too bad to someone who forgets to bow
better ruin
otherwise i mean know
taste the food and nature's us are there
there we wouldn't want to discriminate realistically about you know or that person's network bound to see forget about
bring that back to her anyway
here's an example is the of do this depicted to ever you meet you about
it and decide who is worth it and who isn't
yes route

hmm yeah
i would guess or my
as an idea about shame and embarrassment as you say that the rose there
shame is related to a kind of inherent rape and not been given up i'm not been enough
and and
the rest of that is i'm not going to nephew
control other people's behaviors and reactions as well as i'd like you
i mean of course it's a rather
young kind of feeling
knowing it's something we decide when generally play in a before language even
i haven't i'm not i'm not gonna nap it and you're making mom and dad happy or faith in them and they still seem to have suffering in their life
and we decide you know it's employees from my thought
and and
you know if this wasn't so you mean the fact that this is so universal
here's to say that you know it must be part of the design
it must be part of what it is the beginning rather than to say that some mistaken for me because i had the wrong parents are in
and it's actually useful that we've decided it's me because the people who repaired the opposite of them when they grew up the column sociopath
so this is actually important decision that we were to take on it will do believe for responsible for everything
and yet he knew at some point re and have where when
we realize at some point in your life as you said it's limiting you it's in the way
so then you can re-examined what's beneath it
what the thinking is whether they're thinking is accurate and weather
whether you know it ever would be possible to control your behavior and out
that other people's behavior you know in other people's reactions to you were sufficiently control
that was what i was saying beginning in my top it be possible to give a talk actually where you are like man were either good you feel better by yourselves and
and i've i've done it i've done this being good enough if it ever is it actually possible permitted do that
we know to be getting definite and i don't and i don't think so
which is where i'm when you know in order to give a talk and when to end up not being good enough in that sense and there's gonna be some
because they have an imperative that go about that even though even though i can see that the child is fear of the world
you are that kind of possibility is family
so in the context of buddhism you know it becomes more like i'm going to rather than i'm going to do something reaches going to produce these particular results you know we're going to be sincere
and express herself
without trying to harm somebody but still expressing the we are and what we're about and
we're going to be sincere we're going to be and
we're going to make an offering me or rather than trying to
make a deal
but if i behave this where you're going to do that
where he's going to offer our thing and they were going to let somebody else who would they do rather than
my behave might behave in this way is gonna mean that you behave that way that's more like a bargain or
no it's a kind of contention and and behavior
there were shifting over in net and to
and pain and a number of towards
authenticity some authentic expression and myself
some something that sincere authentic
and sincere are selling fear means we can be conscious about not harming somebody or hurting somebody in our expression
you know i mean classic thing right to pay i'm angry is different than beating the person
and i liked the idea of the a dimension of offering know that our life becomes in our brain or even in sentencing for urethra
how rather than a kind of from bartering or a kind of commerce
there is something worth doing am i going to get something back the appropriate thing that if i do
so apparently i think
you know as you're finding at some point in their life we do reexamined
the things which and
and anyway to come back to his people to the idea of shame been we sat i'm not good enough or not good enough to fix everything for these the people are in a sense than to control their reactions to me they're not necessarily happy they made and in us
many things are going on in one's parents life of course that we have not a clue about as a kid know these financial setbacks and have problems in
and whatever i know who they are
and we're not going to be able to fix it and sometimes even when chris we try to fix things for them by getting sick
one theory about as for instances it's a way to take away the pain of the opposite gender and
if you have asthma that takes that opposite gender parents mind up their pain and puts it on you
and they forget their pain to take care of yours
no answer it actually works in a way we don't set out then to limit yourself and get asthma and but and it's maybe not the most effective way to take their mind up the pain bag
we come up with these things to do
but anyway the behaviors that we had to deal with shame or whatever it is at some point we noticed it's not just protecting as a i said and then and then that time weekend we more with notice how we do that to protect ourselves at some point we decide i don't i've seen that
interpretation isn't actually work in a news for a limited me
and i will get better to express myself and hazard you know they're not liking me has it and what what they might do is day and on alabama let go of what they do or say
i had to do this is a curse to at some point you knew i wanted to cook and make everybody happy at some point if the admins to wet
we've become in and say you need to be able the children were working hard and the mr dry there's people are other group comes in and says the oatmeal to dry in aptitude for we should be easy page as you should just be a this rather it
and then there's people who come in and now you put raisins and the news the macrobiotics you will come in and your point in as
so at some point it's pretty clear you can't control
when what are you gonna do if you're going to curfew you do something sincerely and wholeheartedly in
are you know without judging yourself and and and operated people and then they've been like it or not like it and also to thing
ah and
so anyway
a part of that is letting go of the moving beyond are setting the shame or part of that anyway is not showing people's reactions no reading them have the response they haven't like something in that makes something as they will
and of course it's gonna be easier to do that when we understand or realize that that's more to do with them that is clear that
they are like internet like something is more about who they are then it's about me and the kind of and what i went food offer what i offered
ha well how we doing here my time is it oh that's that
and let's do if you wait for a moment while hit the bell and we can chan ho
are y'all ready

i am
i bet we could go visit for a few minutes and may betray and a little earlier than we've been ending this and
times they ever longer to packer without of your cabin's etc
restart the yoga class at the usual time about ten fifteen and den
i think patricia's printing to end shortly after eleven thirty
those of you who are going on the stage at twelve i have plenty of time
i did want to
i say follow up i'd say a few more words about in no time after the retreat and
one of the things about the way that
no it's partly about the way institution i present or yoga and sin
but you know the less that you
ah effort
pepperdine is actually a way to not feel you're feeling
not and if you're trying hard enough and we know you notice less you perceive that
so one of the things you know that's been happening this week is recalled
when preceding more noticing more acknowledging more about what's going on in their lives
no at various levels notice the superficial level but our underlying numbers of my life as well
i so
we know among other things this mean i'm feeling
are likely to arise
and especially now that the retreat is over during the betrayed their support of everyone in the moment them
context to be near together with others but as to treat and then
he returned to their lives
you know it's quite likely that
they will continue in this for
at these days and sometimes longer and know some degree of
shifting going on in your life
and and then when we do week of sitting
are we used to refer to the time after the sitting there sitting is cathy says shane when we can meditation so sometimes we had an expression you know for after the seen the post fishing blues
there's a kind of time minutes useful in a to the extent that you're able to there's a kind of time
after an intensive
in your workshop where retrieved like they said
it's actually useful you can allow yourself the space and time to be a bit confused or disoriented
you know not clear and not necessarily focused
rather than trying in a to go back to the previous organization of previous when you have for organizing in scripture in your life
have you just and try to get back to the way you used to do it then what was the point you know and you won't be able to exactly
so if you can give yourself a little time to be disoriented or not quite focused in the usual radio find you'll be able to come to some new way of organizing a restructuring yourself in your life
in this morning keeping now with what is come up on the depth of your life during the retreat
i saw this sometimes in or takes a few days and said to the extent that you can
allow that even if you have things to do allow yourself a bit of
just kind of space in your life to find your way rather than knowing your way and rushing ahead to find your way and go the more slowly and feel your way along and
we are step by step and
we'll what's going on and find out how you'd like to respond to the events of your life
i'm rather than in are being
completely adult and capable and competence go for and i've got it together and i know what i'm doing and trying to arrive at some kind of immediate
a structure like that
some of us weren't going to get it out in the first place but you know
it's tempting to try to arrive there nonetheless
so in this way you'll be able to actually continued to feel your life than to
you know in a certain sense and be more in touch with your heart and let your heart
i responded things and
so anyway this kind of period
no not quite oriented are focusing your use your way is could be expected in sometimes it's accompanied by
sadness or grief for anger or fear
a whole range of feeling
as this is not something to be
you know worried about your you'll find new
you know to

to come to a new our way of going about your life you kind of have to let go of the old or this is we can't just go from one organization to another organization there's this kind of being not in a more amorphous state for a while and then you
we'll come up that a vagina your creature in altogether together how you're going to structure yourself for some creative thailand
we're doing this or the time but this kind of for work this week
you know kind of speeds up the process
and i would like to also say in that regard that
in your part of what made this week so powerful and strong as that you've all been so i broke it in courageous that i'm entering into the depths of your lives
the way we have this week
ha and i want to i wish you well
know if we're continuing our journey
so if there's something and picking an earth and new know else you want to say i bring up before we
right off
this is sound like you're doing quite well
and you know i i can't i'm not recalling right now you know exactly how suzuki
erasing is the word so if i say something i'll just make it up if you don't mind
you know somebody wrote a poem one time that was and is this a poem or did i just make it up
this is you know is there an external authority or and my is it up to me here

anyway this way i'm thinking about humility and in regard to
in just been willing to be with things being willing to be with think thinking negative things things including the whole range of objects and shapes and sounds and forms in tasting that in god's and feeling
some people and
there's a certain humility there and know in in in the sense of being with things with that instead of feeling know
feeling compelled the are driven to control them
being with them in some count of a way where you know we're not as first a special or in the sense that wicked
and we sometimes have the if we were special enough we can tell all those things where to do or they would be especially nice to me i think that a lot when i'm driving
get these people realize what is village of person i am
clear the road ahead of me
the is is not in a particularly humility
so i think humility is more willing to be in traffic jams

he know we
in that sense and way
what kind of ten demeanor it's been like a good week here it as hers so once we find a good price we tend to want to stay there
as long as we can
so it's a kind of humility answer than to go on to continue on the journey know you stopped for a while some faith and then are you continue
and you want eyes and
obviously you won't always be at the top of the mountain with the wonderful views and time to be in the valley
sometimes you'll be going downhill and sometimes up
and some cases will be dry in some places will be read
sometimes it will be harder called
and it's more of a sense of humility just to be with things is they are like that rather than
rates keep the temperature has had a
no and because i'm so wonderful you know i will just have this nice break were like it
our humility allows it to
our random merge with circumstances can be with ourselves in a variety of business
hey i didn't get to talk about office
i have an to in our in various authors at home
it does seem to know i'd rather appreciated to offer incense and
if someone guys we offer incense and chance something
i'm in and i have pictures and these people knew
so it's an again in a similar navy to humility away to recognize our personal visits and news for way to recognize or awareness this rip
everything or that kind of potential possibility
in to remind us that
we're not just them
limited person
when you're caught up in the daily
agenda and successes and failures of by day but also someone here in iran
as solar and nature that is much bigger and larger than that
have you know
one thing that
i've found useful which is not interrupt a particular kind of
i directed or
and a suggestion bed i do find it useful from time to time to
no acknowledge your so to or sort out what is
my deep intense you know and suzuki roshi cause you're in most requested in most ways
what is an interpersonal fact is they called in they say sometimes your true heart's desire
so even if you and your don't feel like you can
accomplish it necessarily it is quite important for you to acknowledge what is your wish in your life
and that gives you the kind of power support sometimes we don't acknowledge that are deep ways to heart's desire because we feel like it could never happen
what's the point of even or wishing or for it because i'm not
a good enough to have it and i don't deserve it anyway
as so it is for to acknowledge this
you know in most ways
it doesn't have to be complicated you know sometimes it's a simple that guidelines for it to be okay for me to be here
i'd like to be able to breathe easy easily
and let go of my
you know brad so it road
and we know sometimes when we're confused in know to acknowledge this helps us to settler guess is the kind of anchor or direction arrived
which otherwise caught up in various circumstances and conditions we don't know which rated turn our way to do
and as we go along we can actually set on more and more honor
two heights desire in most ways that of know we actually on it for deeply in her life is
based on that rather than just based on getting through are coping with the circumstances
and it will give her some
anyways i say either you know settling anchor in the factor sometimes the kind of direction to go then
what kind of focus
and this way you know it's something that comes from you
and out of your own being rather than you or something that somebody else said
i would be the good thing to do where the right thing to do or something like that
and of course you know one of again another kind of in most race would be you know how can i manifest my inmost rates throughout my life i try to do that
and so in this way in a we actually honor ourselves
and support and
why don't we i'm for chant hello and then making
go on a better decision making bag lunches or what have you

yeah i feel