Buddha Nature Talks

In Buddhist philosophy and soteriology, Buddha-nature (Chinese: fóxìng 佛性, Japanese: busshō, Vietnamese: Phật tính, Sanskrit: buddhatā, buddha-svabhāva) is the innate potential for all sentient beings to become a Buddha or the fact that all sentient beings already have a pure Buddha-essence within themselves. "Buddha-nature" is the common English translation for several related Mahāyāna Buddhist terms, most notably tathāgatagarbha and buddhadhātu, but also sugatagarbha, and buddhagarbha. Tathāgatagarbha can mean "the womb" or "embryo" (garbha) of the "thus-gone one" (tathāgata), and can also mean "containing a tathāgata". Buddhadhātu can mean "buddha-element", "buddha-realm", or "buddha-substrate".

Buddha-nature has a wide range of (sometimes conflicting) meanings in Indian Buddhism and later in East Asian and Tibetan Buddhist literature. Broadly speaking, it refers to the belief that the luminous mind, "the natural and true state of the mind", which is pure (visuddhi) mind undefiled by afflictions, is inherently present in every sentient being, and is eternal and unchanging. It will shine forth when it is cleansed of the defilements, that is, when the nature of mind is recognized for what it is.

The Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra (2nd century CE), which was very influential in the Chinese reception of these teachings, linked the concept of tathāgatagārbha with the buddhadhātu. The term buddhadhātu originally referred to the relics of Gautama Buddha. In the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra, it came to be used in place of the concept of tathāgatagārbha, reshaping the worship of physical relics of the historical Buddha into worship of the inner Buddha as a principle of salvation.

The primordial or undefiled mind, the tathāgatagārbha, is also often equated with the Buddhist philosophical concept of emptiness (śūnyatā, a Mādhyamaka concept); with the storehouse-consciousness (ālāyavijñāna, a Yogācāra concept); and with the interpenetration of all dharmas (in East Asian traditions like Huayan). The belief in Buddha-nature is central to East Asian Buddhism, which relies on key Buddha-nature sources like the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra. In Tibetan Buddhism, the concept of Buddha-nature is equally important and often studied through the key Indian treatise on Buddha-nature, the Ratnagotravibhāga (3rd–5th century CE).

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Showing 34 talks

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Title Speaker

Awakening Through Mindful Liberation

Serial: EB-002283

Being free to make our own choices, following recipes or not; trying to make a difference in a world full of violence.

Evil, Passions, Buddha Nature, Don't Know Mind, Liberation
Oct 23 2009

Mindful Cooking, Authentic Living

Heart Sutra, Sutra, Buddha Nature, Bodhidharma, uchiyama
Jun 16 2009

The Mindful Taste of Life

Death, Addiction, Sutra, Karma, Buddha Nature
Oct 14 2007

Waves of Unity in Consciousness

Ego, Dharma Transmission, Buddha Mind, Bowing, Buddha Nature
May 27 2006

Inner Wisdom: Embracing Self-Sufficiency

Evil, training, Buddha Nature, Book of Serenity, Desire
Aug 18 2005

Internal Wellspring of Wisdom and Love

training, Buddha Nature, Book of Serenity, Evil, Desire
Aug 18 2005

Embracing Ordinary: Zen's Path Within

Buddha Nature, Don't Know Mind, Ordinary Mind, confusion, Religion
Jan 30 2005

Everyday Mind as Enlightenment

Buddha Nature, Don't Know Mind, Ordinary Mind, confusion, Religion
Jan 30 2005

Tasting Life's True Essence

training, Buddha Nature, Bell, Enthusiasm, Koan
Jan 19 2004

Embrace Imperfection, Live Ordinarily

Tanka, Practice Period, Hate, Buddha Nature, Ceremony
Jul 23 2003

Embracing Vulnerability Through Zen Connection

Priest, Big Mind, Money, Buddha Nature, Faith
Mar 24 2002

Embracing Imperfection in Zen Practice

Priest, Big Mind, Money, Buddha Nature, Faith
Mar 24 2002


Bowing, Buddha Nature, Desire, Offering, Letting Go, Faith, Observe, Discrimination,...
Aug 12 1999

Beyond Right and Wrong Relationships

Conversation, Buddha Nature, Avalokiteshvara, Interview, Intention
Feb 15 1999

Mindfulness in a Single Chip

Ceremony, Don't Know Mind, Concentration, Way-Seeking Mind, Buddha Nature...
Jun 03 1997

Unleashing Your Zen Potential

Ceremony, Thich Nhat Hanh, Concentration, Balance, Buddha Nature
May 07 1997

Embrace Freedom of Inner Exploration

Ceremony, Thich Nhat Hanh, Concentration, Balance, Buddha Nature
May 07 1997

Zen Wisdom in Everyday Practice

Practice Period, Dharma Transmission, Buddha Nature, Zendo, Building
Sep 1996

Zen Wisdom in Everyday Tasks

Ordinary Mind, Dragons, Buddha Nature, Bowing, Offering
Jul 10 1995

Integrating Zen into Daily Work

Buddha Nature, Community, Sangha, Balance, Money
Apr 18 1995

Embrace Present Awareness Authentically

Buddha Nature, Buddha Mind, Money, training, resistance
Feb 12 1995

Trusting Relationships in Zen Practice

Greed, Passions, Buddha Nature, Desire, Attachment
Jun 28 1993

Awakening Through Zen's Living Connection

Precepts, Thich Nhat Hanh, Heart Sutra, Bell, Buddha Nature
Mar 10 1993

Embracing Zen's Messy Truths

Priest, Buddha Nature, Silence, Hate, Koan
Nov 08 1992

Zen in Everyday Life Unveiled

Silence, Priest, Buddha Nature, Hate, Koan
Nov 08 1992

Living Mindfully Beyond Emotions

Emotions, Buddha Nature, Sanctuary, Equanimity, Desire
Sep 20 1992

Living Zen: Everyday Enlightenment

Emotions, Buddha Nature, Sanctuary, Desire, Equanimity
Sep 20 1992

Calming the Mind's Turbulent Waters

Desire, Karma, Patience, Samsara, Buddha Nature
Dec 10 1991

Embracing Impermanence Through Buddhist Wisdom

Emptiness, Delusion, Buddha Nature, Peace, No-Self
Nov 08 1990

Intrinsically Enlightened: Embrace Your Nature

Community, Forgiveness, Buddha Mind, War, Buddha Nature
Oct 05 1986

Silent Awareness: Path to True Nature

Ego, Silence, Intuition, Buddha Nature, Death
Sep 28 1983

Wisdom and Love Beyond Perfection

Evil, training, Buddha Nature, Book of Serenity, Desire

Zen's Communal Heartbeat: A Legacy

Practice Period, Heart Sutra, Interview, Buddha Nature, Community
Mar 04

The Teacher Within Each Learner

Delusion, Practice Period, confusion, Buddha Nature
Jun 28