Faith Talks
Faith is confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept. In the context of religion, faith is "belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion". According to the Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, faith has multiple definitions, including "something that is believed especially with strong conviction", "complete trust", "belief and trust in and loyalty to God", as well as "a firm belief in something for which there is no proof".
Religious people often think of faith as confidence based on a perceived degree of warrant, or evidence, while others who are more skeptical of religion tend to think of faith as simply belief without evidence.
In the Roman world, 'faith' (Latin: fides) was understood without particular association with gods or beliefs. Instead, it was understood as a paradoxical set of reciprocal ideas: voluntary will and voluntary restraint in the sense of father over family or host over guest, whereby one party willfully surrenders to a party who could harm but chooses not to, thereby entrusting or confiding in them.
According to Thomas Aquinas, faith is "an act of the intellect assenting to the truth at the command of the will".
Religion has a long tradition, since the ancient world, of analyzing divine questions using common human experiences such as sensation, reason, science, and history that do not rely on revelation—called Natural theology.
Title | Speaker | |
Zen and Yoga: Path to Presence Letting Go, Oneness, Faith, Obstacles, Hindrances |
Jun 18 2005 |
Zen and Yoga: Path to Self-Discovery Letting Go, Oneness, Faith, Obstacles, Hindrances |
Jun 18 2005 |
Embracing Vulnerability Through Zen Connection Priest, Big Mind, Money, Buddha Nature, Faith |
Mar 24 2002 |
Embracing Imperfection in Zen Practice Priest, Big Mind, Money, Buddha Nature, Faith |
Mar 24 2002 |
1999.09.04-serial.00149A Forgiveness, Gratitude, Silence, Faith, realization, Culture, Desire |
Sep 04 1999 |
1999.08.12-serial.00147 Bowing, Buddha Nature, Desire, Offering, Letting Go, Faith, Observe, Discrimination,... |
Aug 12 1999 |
Zen Paths: Persevere and Empower Ego, Way-Seeking Mind, Faith, Tenzo, Hate |
Aug 04 1999 |
Embrace Uncertainty With Courage Ego, Way-Seeking Mind, Faith, Tenzo, Hate |
Aug 04 1999 |
Seeing Buddha in Every Being Evil, Separation, Sangha, Faith, Liberation |
Nov 02 1997 |
Embrace Imperfection, Seek the Way Way-Seeking Mind, Thich Nhat Hanh, Faith, Letting Go, Sixth Patriarch |
Jun 21 1997 |
Wholehearted Engagement in Every Moment Concentration, Faith, training, Way-Seeking Mind, Passions |
Jul 31 1990 |
Striving Amid Imperfect Paths Way-Seeking Mind, Faith, Dragons, Commitment, Offering |
Jul 29 1990 |
Transcending Duality: Inner Zen Journey Thich Nhat Hanh, Letting Go, Buddha Mind, Baso, Faith |
Aug 27 1989 |
Embrace the Unfolding Unknown Faith, Big Mind, Letting Go, Doubt, Emptiness |
Mar 27 1984 |
Paths of Zen: Striving or Being Faith, Observe, Rinzai, Vow, Concentration |
Feb 28 1984 |
Zen and Abhidharma: Pathways to Enlightenment Faith, Concentration, Abhidharma, Vow, Samadhi |
Navigating Consciousness Through Right Views Faith, Hate, Delusion, Greed, Concentration |
Awakening Through Mindful Simplicity Doubt, Faith, Renewal, Dragons, Balance |
Jul 19 |