Manjushri Talks

Manjushri (Sanskrit: मञ्जुश्री, romanized: Mañjuśrī) is a bodhisattva who represents prajñā (transcendent wisdom) of the Buddhas in Mahāyāna Buddhism. The name "Mañjuśrī" is a combination of Sanskrit word "mañju" and an honorific "śrī"; it can be literally translated as "Beautiful One with Glory" or "Beautiful One with Auspiciousness". Mañjuśrī is also known by the fuller name of Mañjuśrīkumārabhūta (मञ्जुश्रीकुमारभूत), literally "Mañjuśrī, Still a Youth" or, less literally, "Prince Mañjuśrī". Another name of Mañjuśrī is Mañjughoṣa.

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Offerings Beyond Outcome Expectations

Emotions, Offering, Don't Know Mind, Manjushri, Karma
Nov 03 1991

Zen's Path to True Oneness

Samadhi, Oneness, Delusion, Manjushri, Sixth Patriarch
Apr 05 1984

Zen Living: Presence in Every Moment

Sixth Patriarch, Manjushri, Transmission, Vimalakirti